
Pas de deux by Norman McLaren, - NFB

The National Film Board of Canada has begun the process of putting their catalogue online. I could go the easy route with this, and post the Log Driver's Waltz, but instead I'm going to show you one of the most beautiful things ever put to film. Made in 1968 by Norman McLaren, here's Pas de Deux:

The Amazing Lyrebird: The Unseen Footage

A clip from the deleted scenes special feature of David Attenborough's The Life of Birds


Internet Archive: Details: This Is Hormel

Click the happy gentleman below to view one of the most disturbing G-Rated videos on the internet. It's a tour of the one building no sane family would want to tour: the Hormel Plant, home of fine canned meat products.

It's half an hour, but it will give you an "exciting and educational" "new awareness of meat processing". Highlights include: the processed meat vats, the cow skinning, and the dead looks on the employees faces.


Where can I find my own Chris McMillian?

Bartender Chris McMillian prepares a traditional Mint Julep while reciting Joshua Soule Smith's loving ode to the drink, written over 100 years ago.

I'm afraid he's among the last of his breed - bartender as craftsman.

You have questions - Yahoo! has answers.

Would my armpit hair ever grow ??( I am almost 17)?

Sometimes it Feels Like I'm Nothing More Than a Team of 5 German Puppeteers, You Know?

Do Not Hug This Man:

From the aptly named Everything Is Terrible, which you should all be reading anyway.



Song of the Moment

Dolly Parton inexplicably and wonderfully covers Collective Soul's Shine


Now this is a table I'd like to find myself sitting at.

(Related: how do you distract a room full of pirates while your partner tries to discover their hidden electronics? you know the answer)

The Contrabass Orchestra #1: The Contrabass Saxophone

The term contrabass (derived from the Italian contrabbasso) refers to very low musical instruments; generally those pitched one octave below instruments of the bass register.

Pitbull vs. Balloon

Crushed by the beauty of it all

Sometimes art is created when an artist has a great vision, and wants to share it with the world. Other times, it's created when an artist has a great amount of gum and wants to share it with no one.


Lorum Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nisl sapien, consectetur eget, laoreet nec, feugiat eget, felis. Curabitur et urna. Nunc sit amet est sit amet massa rutrum porta. Fusce tempor cursus nisi. Donec facilisis tincidunt dui. Aliquam leo massa, eleifend luctus, auctor ac, vestibulum ultrices, dui. Donec pede velit, elementum ut, consectetur ac, condimentum a, diam. Donec quis est. Proin a mi sit amet erat condimentum tincidunt. Vivamus justo. Etiam nunc. Ut venenatis ipsum vel libero. In ipsum ipsum, elementum ut, vulputate vel, luctus eu, justo. Sed bibendum, lacus ac aliquam malesuada, leo tellus adipiscing quam, non suscipit nisi purus sed nisl. Sed elementum, nisl id hendrerit aliquam, dui odio tristique ligula, non hendrerit mauris justo eu eros. Suspendisse felis metus, pulvinar at, feugiat in, pharetra ac, lectus.

Nulla nec pede et elit placerat scelerisque. Donec mattis nibh a ante iaculis vulputate. In ac lectus. Curabitur lacus. Etiam arcu. Vestibulum gravida, est at sagittis luctus, nibh justo sodales eros, quis laoreet lorem erat ut leo. Praesent et felis id lectus posuere ultrices. Vestibulum eu ligula. Duis sit amet ligula id lorem interdum mattis. Proin vitae nulla. Suspendisse metus nisl, posuere eget, tempus eget, consectetur vel, nisi. Vivamus non nunc ac pede hendrerit ullamcorper. Vestibulum laoreet. Maecenas sodales vestibulum nisl. Suspendisse dictum tellus quis nulla. Donec in nisi. Aliquam iaculis, risus nec sollicitudin mattis, augue enim mollis nisi, a faucibus felis ipsum ac tortor. Sed lacus nulla, gravida ultricies, posuere id, lacinia ut, sem. Curabitur commodo mauris vitae velit. Maecenas quam libero, ullamcorper vitae, facilisis dictum, hendrerit eu, augue.